
2023/05/15 TIME閱讀解析 13 - 全世界甫同意保護公海。但這僅是拯救我們海洋的開端

The World Just Agreed to Protect the High Seas. But This Is Only the Beginning for Saving Our Oceans

 單字→粗體黃底 片語→粗體斜字 句型→底線 文法→底線粗體     
 “The ship has reached the shore.” With these words on the evening of March 4, 2023 at the United Nations in New York, BBNJ president Rena Lee brought the decades-long negotiations of a U.N. High Seas Treaty to a successful conclusion. Hailing the historic moment, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said it was a victory for multilateralism and for global efforts to counter the destructive trends facing ocean health, now and for generations to come.

 The agreement is expected to fill the gaps in governance of the high seas beyond the jurisdiction of national exclusive economic zones, with the high seas covering some 40% of the planet’s surface and around 64% of the ocean. Lack of adequate governance of the high seas has been a major element in the decline of the ocean’s health. Marine pollution has become rampant, fish-stocks are overfished by a factor of over a third, and marine biodiversity is diminishing at an alarming rate — all at a time when (thanks to our anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions) the seas are warming, acidifying, deoxygenating and rising.

1.  counter  (vt.) 應對
Enterprises are supposed to provide better working conditions to counter the lack of laborers.

2.  element  (n.) 因素
While cost should be fully considered, cooperation was instead a critical element in this campaign.

3.  diminish  (vi.) 減少
The natural resources around the globe have rapidly been diminishing for the recent decades.

1.  bring ... to a conclusion  使某事結束
The last-minute aid from these enthusiastic colleagues brought the project to a satisfactory conclusion.

2.  N + to come  未來的……
For the years to come, college students are advised to make plans and, what’ more, stick to them.

3.  fill the gaps in + N  填補……的空白
The host attempted to fill the gaps in the Q&A session by referring to a similar topic.

4.  at an (alarming) rate  以(驚人的)速度
Needless to say, AI as well as its widespread applications is transforming the world at an alarming rate.
1.  With these words ..., S + V ...  (主詞)說著這些話(指前幾個字詞),……
“The ship has reached the shore.” With these words ..., Rena Lee brought ....
= With these words “the ship has reached the shore,” Rena Lee brought ....
1.  Ving..., S + V ...  分詞構句
Antonio Guterres hailed the historic moment,╱Antonio Guterres said ....

Hailing the historic moment, Antonio Guterres said ....
(1) 省略相同主詞“Antonio Guterres”;
(2) 動詞“hailed”主動,改為現在分詞“hailing” 

  S + V..., Ving ...  分詞構句
Antonio Guterres hailed the historic moment, and Antonio Guterres said it was ....
Antonio Guterres hailed the historic moment, saying it was ....

(1) 省略連接詞“and”;
(2) 省略相同主詞“Antonio Guterres”;
(3) 動詞“said”主動,改為現在分詞“saying”

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