
2023/05/22 TIME閱讀解析 14 - 太空中日益嚴重的垃圾問題,科學家敲響警鐘

Scientists Sound the Alarm Over a Growing Trash Problem in Space

 單字→粗體黃底 片語→粗體斜字 句型→底線 文法→底線粗體     
 Sixty-six years ago, there was just a single human-built object in Earth orbit. It was Sputnik, the Soviet Union’s — and the world’s — first satellite, launched on Oct. 4, 1957. Now take a moment and try to guess how many objects — including active satellites, defunct satellites, and bits of debris from all of that space traffic —are currently circling the planet. Have you made your guess? Good.

 Your answer is wrong. Or let’s put it this way: it’s wrong unless the figure you guessed is 100 trillion. That’s the jaw-dropping number cited by an international team of researchers writing an open letter in last week’s issue of Science, calling for a global treaty to curb the amount of satellites and rubbish that have been forming an ever-growing debris belt in low-Earth orbit for more than three generations now.


1.  object  (n.) 物體
For the purpose of practically recycling, items such as plastic objects should be put into this box.

2.  figure  (n.) 數字
No one could report the final sales figures to the associate marketing manager on the spot.

3.  curb  (vt.) 控制
To improve your personal relationship, first and foremost you have to learn to curb your temper.

1.  sound an alarm  引起警覺;敲響警鐘……
Experts sound the alarm when the low fertility rate shows no signs of ceasing anytime soon.

2.  a bit of + N  小塊的……
Mind your step! Small bits of plastic are all over the ground nearby.

3.  call for + N  呼籲……
The general public call for the openness and transparency of the policy making process.

1.  S + V.... Or S + V ...  ……或者說……
Your answer is wrong. Or let’s put it this way: it’s wrong unless the figure you guessed is 100 trillion.
= Your answer is wrong, or let’s put it this way: it’s wrong unless the figure you guessed is 100 trillion.
2.  Let’s put it this way. 我們這麼說吧
Let’s put it this way. The man is indeed wealthy, but he will absolutely not be a trustworthy husband.
3.  S + V... unless S + V ....  ……除非……
It’s wrong unless the figure you guessed is 100 trillion.
= It’s wrong if the figure you guessed is not 100 trillion.
*unless = if not

1.  關係代名詞省略成為分詞片語大集錦
     That’s the jaw-dropping number which was cited by an international team of researchers who wrote an open letter in last week’s issue of Science, and the international team (of researchers) called for a global treaty ...
** That’s the jaw-dropping number cited1 by an international team of researchers writing2 an open letter in last week’s issue of Science, calling3 for a global treaty ...

(1) cited

(2) writing

(3) calling
    ●省略相同主詞“the international team (of researchers)”

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