
2023/08/07 TIME閱讀解析 25 - 越來越多州希望學生學習氣候科學,然而俄亥俄州並不苟同

More States Want Students to Learn About Climate Science.
Ohio Disagrees


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If you attend a college-level earth science class in Ohio in the coming years, you might learn about how climate change is causing heat waves, flooding, and record storms, and how humanity has a shrinking window to drastically cut emissions and forestall the worst effects. But your instructor could also be forced to spend a big chunk of time talking about how a few largely discredited researchers and fossil-fuel-funded lobbyists don’t think there’s really much of an issue.

That’s because just last week, the state senate began debating the Ohio Higher Education Enhancement Act, which would tie the hands of instructors at colleges and universities from teaching effectively on subjects the state legislature has labeled as “controversial,” including climate change. Those institutions would have to guarantee that they’re “encourag[ing] students to reach their own conclusions,” on such matters, which also include subjects like abortion rights. The schools are also obligated to not “seek to inculcate any social, political, or religious point of view” on students. Higher education institutions would also be barred from implementing sustainability initiatives. Diversity or equity programs would also be banned.



1.    discredited  (adj.) 名譽掃地的

The once highly regarded scientist's reputation has been discredited due to the recent allegations of misconduct.


2.    lobbyist  (n.) 說客,遊說者

As a politician who values transparency and accountability, I refuse to be swayed by the lobbyist's persuasive tactics and will always prioritize the needs and interests of my constituents above all else.


3.    inculcate (vt.) 反覆灌輸;諄諄教誨

    Effective parenting involves more than just providing for your child's material needs; it also requires parents to inculcate important values such as kindness, responsibility, and respect.


4.    equity  (n.) 公平;公正

In order to promote greater equity in the workplace, companies must actively seek out and address systemic barriers that prevent marginalized groups from advancing in their careers.




1.    tie someone’s hands  對(某人)進行約束

When companies monopolize the market, they effectively tie the hands of consumers, limiting their options and forcing them to accept whatever terms and prices are offered.


2.    be obligated to  有義務的;有責任的

As a manager, I am obligated to ensure that my team members receive fair compensation and benefits for their hard work and dedication to the company.


3.    be barred from  被禁止;被限制

As a consequence of his unethical conduct, the senior executive was ultimately barred from holding any leadership positions within the company again.



1. If 假設語氣


If I had known that the concert was going to be cancelled, I wouldn't have bought the expensive tickets in the first place.




1.   文中“…not ‘seek to inculcate’…”在動詞seek上使用了否定詞,使inculcate有了負面意義,表達了學校不應該嘗試將特定的觀點以反覆的方式灌輸、加註在學生身上。


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