
2023/09/04 TIME閱讀解析 29 - 科學家們正利用聲音來解鎖地球的秘密

Scientists Are Using Sound To Unlock Our Planet’s Secrets

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Waves crash. Tree branches vibrate. Mosquitoes hum. These phenomena take place every day but not everyone necessarily hears them. Indeed, some sounds happen in places that are hard for humans to access or below the level of what we can perceive. But more and more, scientists are listening in.
From a root system up to 90 feet underground, to balloons floating 70,000 feet above earth, a series of recent audible insights are being showcased this week by experts gathering at the annual Acoustical Society of America conference. The new data revealed by these sounds are helping scientists better understand the natural world.
For example, last year researchers discovered that climate change is speeding up the transmission of sound in the ocean, with potential implications to marine life. More recently, in March, a study published in Nature revealed how the pandemic reduced shipping noise in the deep-ocean, lessening the amount anthropogenic disruption to the marine environment’s own soundscape upon which animals rely. And this summer, ecologists plan to monitor how remote Alaskan wildlife is responding to climate change and industry; they’ll do this by listening to birds chirping and bugs buzzing to analyze their abundance and activity patterns.

1.  perceive (vt.) 覺察,注意到,意識到
Despite the subtle changes in her tone, I could perceive a hint of disappointment in her voice.


2.  lessen (v.) 減少,降低,減輕
The implementation of renewable energy sources can lessen our dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate the effects of climate change.

3.  anthropogenic (adj.) 人為的,由人類活動引起的
The increasing levels of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions pose a significant threat to the stability of our planet's climate system.
1.  take place  發生;進行
The annual international conference on climate change will take place next month, gathering scientists and experts from around the world.

2. listen in  收聽;偷聽,竊聽
As an investigative journalist, I had the opportunity to listen in on the confidential meeting and gather valuable information.

3.  speed up  加速
The company implemented new strategies to speed up the production process and meet the growing demand for their products.

1. Indeed, S + V …  事實上
Indeed, learning a second language requires dedication and consistent practice to achieve fluency.

2. More and more, S + beV + V-ing …  越來越多
But more and more, individuals are embracing mindfulness practices to manage stress and improve mental well-being.

1.  現在簡單式  (Simple Present Tense)
“Waves crash. Tree branches vibrate. Mosquitoes hum.” 海浪拍打、樹枝顫動以及蚊子嗡鳴,都是日常生活中反覆在發生的事情,後續文章也指出這些現象一直都在我們的生活中發生,只是未必有人發現。



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