
2020/05/09 [時代解讀] 我為何拒絕遠距教學

[時代解讀] 🕵️‍♀️
遠距 還是 遠"拒"

Why I said no to remote school
By Sarah Parcak
全文連結: https://time.com/5828836/coronavirus-homeschooling/

We knew when we made our decision that pausing our son’s schooling would not mean pausing his learning. As Egyptologists and archaeologists, my husband and I talk nonstop about history, science and exploration, and we have photos and maps of Egypt everywhere. We use age-appropriate language, and our son always asks when he does not understand a
term or concept. We also supplement his formal education with outside enrichment like history books, TED-Ed and educational YouTube videos, art and history documentaries.

archaeologist (n.) 考古學家
[衍] archaeology (n.) 考古學
[拆] archaeo (古代的/陳舊的/原始的)+ logy (科學研究)=考古學

supplement (v.) 補充/支援
[衍] supplement (n.) 補充物 / 副刊
[例] The newspaper publishes an entertainment supplement every weekend.

enrichment (n.U) (藉由增加某物) 改善品質
[衍] enrich (v.) 使...富含/豐富
[例] Education enriches our life and thoughts

我們做出這個決定時就知道, 暫停兒子就學並不代表暫停他的學習。 我和先生作為埃及學家和考古學家, 總是不停談論歷史、 科學和探索,
家裡到處都掛著埃及的照片和地圖。我們使用適合他年齡的語言,當兒子遇到不瞭解的術語或概念也總會發問。我們還透過外部充實教材充實他的正規教育,例如歷史書籍、 TED-Ed、 YouTube影片,和藝術及歷史紀錄片。

School districts need to focus more on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, making sure students are safe and have good access to food and clothes. That comes before worksheets, which many parents cannot even print out at home. They need to think about how their plans can reflect those priorities going forward.

hierarchy (n.) 階層;階級
[衍] hierarchical (a.) 階層的
[例] Our company has a hierarchical system.

have access to+NP (vphr) 有取得...的管道
[類] assess (v.) 評價;估價
[衍] assessment (n.) 評量
[例] We need to assess whether we should submit the proposal.

學區必須更重視馬斯洛提出的需求層次,以確保學生平安, 並有充足的食物和衣服。 這比評量更重要,況且很多父母甚至無法在家把評量印出來。 他們需要思考自己的計劃會如何影響未來的優先事項。

What our family is doing is a stopgap, but it’s not a solution—not for us, not for our son and not for our society. I don’t have the answer. All I can know is that responding with love feels right in this moment, and I hope my son remembers that he was loved deeply every day during this crisis.

stopgap (n.) 權宜之計
[衍] bridge the gap (vphr.) 消弭隔閡
Technology bridges the gap between parents and kids.

我們家的行動只是權宜之計,卻不是解決方案—對我們父母、兒子、整個社會來說都不是。我沒有答案。我只知道在這一刻, 我必須用愛做出回應,希望兒子記得, 在這場危機中他天天都被我們深愛著。

All someone can/could do is + taht S+ V...
[譯] 目前所能做的就是...
[例] All I can Know is that responding with love feels right in the moment.
[譯] 我目前所知道的是用愛回應是最好的方法。